Specialized services provided

Services that exceed your expectations.

Artificial intelligence

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Network and infrastructure

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Software production and development

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SEO and optimization

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Design and Ideation

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3 years

Relevant work experience in the field of business consulting

about us

About Vira Aryan

Vira Aryan artificial intelligence company has officially started its activity in the field of website design and software production and development since 1400 and has been able to bring many advantages along with its expert and experienced forces. We at Vira Aryan will help you to always be the leader in your business.

The right choice for you

Vira Aryan is the best choice for your business.

At Vira Aryan, we are committed to providing services that exceed your expectations. We strive to provide you with the best experience by fully committing to work, performing expert analysis, delivering in the shortest possible time and supporting around the clock.

  • Artificial intelligence

  • Network and infrastructure

  • Software production and development

  • Website design and implementation

  • SEO and optimization

  • Website support

Receive premium services from experts Vira Arian Artificial Intelligence Company

Get the best artificial intelligence services from our experts.

Providing specialized software

Smart and premium financial solutions for you

Vira Aryan artificial intelligence company offers two specialized softwares named auditor and taxpayer system, which are used by a large number of customers.

Installed software
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Our portfolio

Introducing the latest examples of work done by us

Here you can fully get to know the details of each project and benefit from their implementation in the best possible way.




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Perarin Pars

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Providing services that exceed your expectations

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