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    Custom website design

    Custom website design means creating a website that is completely designed and developed based on the specific needs and desires of the customer. This type of design is done from the ground up with custom coding, allowing you to customize every part of the site to suit your specific needs. Custom website design features include high flexibility, optimal performance, greater security, and complete customization. This type of design usually requires more money and time than using ready-made content management systems such as WordPress, but the end result will be a unique website optimized for your specific purposes.

    • Front End

      Front-end is the design and development of the external parts of the website that users interact with, including page design, styling, and user interactions.

    • Back End

      The backend deals with the development and management of the hidden parts of the website, including server logic, databases, and request processing.

    Front-end and back-end in custom website design

    In custom website design, front-end refers to the visual and user experience parts of the website that users interact with. This includes the design of the pages, structure and style of the website. In contrast, the backend is dedicated to the hidden and server parts of the site, which includes programming logic, data management, and request processing. Different tools are used to develop these parts. The cooperation between front-end and back-end helps to create a comprehensive and efficient website that is both attractive in terms of appearance and optimal in terms of performance.

    • Unique design for special needs
    • Advanced and optimized performance
    • High security and special protection solutions
    • Fully customizable

    Custom website design tools

    In custom website design, special tools are used for each step. Figma and Adobe XD are used for UI and UX design, while Visual Studio Code and Sublime Text are used for site coding. Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS are CSS frameworks for responsive design, and Sass is used for writing advanced CSS code. Jira, Trello, and Asana are used for project management, and Slack is useful for team communication. In the graphics department, Photoshop and Illustrator are used to design images and logos, and Canva is used to quickly design simple graphics. Finally, BrowserStack is used to test the site in different browsers and devices.

    Custom website design is suitable for individuals and businesses who are looking to create a unique website with specific features and functions. This type of design helps businesses, big brands, startups and people who need complex and dedicated sites for their specific purposes. For example, if you are looking to design an advanced e-commerce site, an online platform with special features, or a branding website with a special design, custom site design is the right option for you.