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  • info@viraaryan.com


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    Software under mobile

    Mobile applications are applications designed to run on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. These softwares make users' daily life simpler and more efficient by providing various services including communication, entertainment, management and productivity.

    Native mobile application

    Native mobile applications are applications that are designed and developed specifically for an operating system such as iOS or Android. These applications are built using programming languages ​​specific to each platform, such as Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android. Native applications perform better and provide a better user experience due to the use of specific features and capabilities of the device.

    • Kotlin

      This language is also developed for the development of Android applications and replaces Java. This language is very similar to Java, but with new features that provide the best programming experience.

    • Objective-C

      This language is used in the Xcode programming environment to develop iOS and macOS applications.

    • Swift

      This language is developed for iOS and macOS application development. This language also runs applications for Android using Android frameworks.

    Web based mobile application

    Web-based mobile applications are applications that run on mobile devices through web browsers. These applications do not need to be installed and can be accessed via URL. Using web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, these apps provide the same user experience as native apps, but with the benefits of fast loading and easy updates.

    • JavaScript

      This language is also used to develop mobile web applications. Using frameworks such as React Native and Ionic, you can develop multi-platform mobile applications with JavaScript.

    • Java

      It is one of the most widely used mobile programming languages. This language is implemented with the help of the Android platform and is used to develop Android applications.

    Hybrid mobile applications

    Hybrid mobile apps are a combination of native and web-based apps developed with cross-platform web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and frameworks such as Ionic, PhoneGap, Xamarin, and Mobile Angular UI. These apps work like native apps and can run on different operating systems like Android, iOS, and Windows. Some popular examples of hybrid apps include Twitter, Gmail, Instagram, and Snap.

    Other languages ​​such as Ruby and Python are also used to develop mobile applications. Also, frameworks such as React Native, Flutter and Xamarin are also widely used for developing mobile applications.