• Unit 15, 5th Floor West, No. 30, Fariman St., West Taleghani St., Tehra, Iran
  • info@viraaryan.com


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    SEO and optimization

    Vira Aryan company's specialized team helps to optimize your site by providing professional SEO services and providing SEO advice so that your site is placed on the first page of search results related to your business so that you can attract relevant customers.

    • SEO and site optimization is a time-consuming and continuous process. The site optimization process begins with the analysis and review of keywords and competitor analysis. In this process, by using programming techniques, SEO-oriented content, creating backlinks on reputable sites, etc., traffic and site visits will increase.

    • In today's competitive business market, searches on search engines like Google are very important. Because, the audience searches on Google based on their needs to find the services and products they want. But if you have not introduced your product or service well, you will certainly not be part of the results obtained in Google.

    • In order to have something to say on the Google page and be able to get the first rank in Google search, your site must have good SEO. Website SEO is a smooth way to get to know you, your services and products to your audience and people around you in the digital world.

    In general, the goal of SEO and optimization:

    Before starting the site design and search engine optimization project, you must first examine complete information about the target market, and by considering the right keywords and content creation, you can have the best SEO on your site.

    • Quick recognition of the business brand
    • Increasing audience in the high statistical community
    • More sales and income from the site
    • Lower cost than internet advertising on other sites
    • Increase the rank and position and traffic of the site

    If you want to order SEO for your site and want your site to be analyzed, compared with your competitors and a solution prepared, just contact us through the following communication methods.

    Important parameters in site optimization

    Including reports related to competitor analysis, website structural status, SEO status analysis

    Keywords and keywords are based on your industry and services.

    This section is related to internal SEO and provides the structure and content of the site to search engines. Note that the content should not be duplicated because Google considers it spam and it will have a bad effect on SEO.

    This section is related to external SEO and appropriate and diverse link building is done on related sites.

    Important parameters in site optimization

    • Proper use of meta tags
    • Determining page titles correctly
    • Checking the responsiveness of the site
    • Attention to page loading speed
    • Registration of the site map in Google
    • Attention to the internal links of the pages