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    Design and production of web-based software

    Web development frameworks provide a set of tools and rules that are used to build web applications. These frameworks have many advantages that are very useful for developers and web application development. Below we will mention some of the most important web frameworks.

    Web frameworks

    • Laravel

      Laravel is a PHP framework used to develop web applications. This framework also follows the MVC architecture and supports relational databases. Laravel supports features such as reverse engineering, defining URL paths, sending form posts, etc.

    • Django

      Django is a Python-based framework used to develop web applications. This framework follows the MVC architecture and has capabilities such as defining data models, access management, input form management, etc. It also has tools for building and running unit tests.

    • Rails

      Rails is a Ruby-based framework used to build web applications. This framework also follows the MVC architecture and uses relational databases. Rails has features such as creating URL paths, defining data models, etc.

    • Express

      Express is a JavaScript framework used to build web applications. This framework is designed based on the client-server model architecture (MVC) and uses Node.js to support the execution of JavaScript codes on the server side.

    • Spring

      Spring is a Java framework used to develop web applications. This framework supports the Model, View, Controller (MVC) architecture and has capabilities such as API creation, dependency injection support, and code generation in sync with development.

    • Ember

      Ember is a JavaScript framework used to develop web applications. The framework follows the MVC architecture and uses the Ember CLI to manage code and run tests. Ember supports features such as access management, input form management, etc.