• Unit 15, 5th Floor West, No. 30, Fariman St., West Taleghani St., Tehra, Iran
  • info@viraaryan.com


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    Software under Windows

    Windows is a popular operating system that is installed on almost all computers around the world. Windows software refers to a set of applications that are designed to run and use on the Windows operating system. Some of the most famous software under Windows include Internet Explorer, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Windows Media Player, and Photoshop.

    programming languages

    Programming languages ​​are sets of rules, conventions, and syntax used to write application code. Each programming language has its own features that programmers can use to design complex programs. The most famous programming languages ​​for Windows apps include:

    • Java

      It is an object-oriented programming language used to develop web applications and applications.

    • Python

      It is a popular high-level programming language used to develop data programs, artificial intelligence and data analysis, and to create a variety of applications.

    • C

      It is an efficient and powerful programming language used to develop operating systems and applications.

    • JavaScript

      It is a user-side programming language that is used to develop web applications and websites, as well as a variety of Windows and mobile applications.

    • #C

      It is an object-oriented programming language used to develop Windows applications, web applications, and computer games.

    • SQL

      It is a programming language used to manage databases.

    There are also other programming languages ​​such as Swift, Kotlin, Go, Rust, etc., which are used in some specific areas such as mobile application development or artificial intelligence programming.